Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer

Greenmount, Kentucky
Greenmount, Kentucky

Greenmount is a Laurel county community about nine miles north of London on the South Fork of Rockcastle River. There were mills in the area and coal mining from at least the late nineteenth century. The location was known as Bowling Cross Road, named for an early mill owner and the crossing of two main roads. It was the location of Bowling Station on the Rockcastle River Railway, which operated from about 1914 to 1923. Timber was an important industry in the area during the early twentieth century. The name Greenmount, or Green Mount, came from a grass-covered hill. Post offices operated at several locations in the immediate area. The Bowling (or perhaps Bowling Cross Road) post office opened in 1877 and was renamed Greenmount in 1895. It closed in 1909. Another Bowling post office, associated with the railroad station, operated from 1915 to 1961.

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