Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer

Russell, Kentucky
Russell, Kentucky

Russell is a Greenup county town on the Ohio River about 10 miles southeast of Greenup. The site is near the location of an earlier community that was known as Amanda Furnace, named for the daughter of one of the owners of the iron furnace there. The furnace was in operation from 1829 until 1861. In 1869 a new town was established by John Russell and the Means and Russell Iron Company. Originally known as Riverview, it was named Russell in 1872.

Russell was incorporated in 1874.

The Russell post office opened in 1873.

The population in 2020 was 3,730.


Flatwoods, Kentucky Ironton, Ohio Greenup, Kentucky Bellefonte, Kentucky Ashland, Kentucky Russell, Kentucky Raceland, Kentucky Worthington, Kentucky Wurtland, Kentucky To Princess, Kentucky To Princess, Kentucky To Coalton, Kentucky To Argillite, Kentucky State of Ohio

© 2025 David C. Elbon